Category Archives: Maya

Maya fulldome camera

Jason Fletcher gave his permission for me to post his custom Maya fulldome camera here. Thanks Jason!

Here is a custom Maya camera I’ve made for our fulldome productions. Just import and go!


  • Uses an aim/up to point the camera. It is applied in a way that allows you to aim the camera and not worry about the camera Z rolling within 180° field of view.
  • Hemicube camera parented within fisheye camera (and hidden). It uses the fisheye aim. So if you need to switch over and use hemicube cam for whatever reason, then its there and waiting for ya!
  • Includes a dome visualization on camera that isn’t selectable. It just to let you know where the camera is facing. Its also helpful as a guide to see where the springline hits in a scene. I called it the “FYI”.
  • Click the camera to see the custom attributes: FYI scale, FYI visibility, FYI Uni Helper, Cam Locator Scale, and Custom Roll. Includes the ability to scale the camera locator without affecting the cam scaleXYZ. Changing scale XYZ changes how textures are affected at rendertime.
  • Preset DomeAFL settings
  • Its by no means perfect and definitely has a gimbal-lock-camera-flip if you go past 180°, but it works well if you know its limits. Play around with it and you will quickly understand.

Grab it here!